Apollo Stark is proud to announce that his book 'Clever Mr Cat is now in a totally new format and available to buy on Amazon in A5 paperback. Price: £4.99
To check it out and order your copy please follow this link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Clever+Mr+Cat&i=stripbooks&crid=2ZC273FF98OJ6&sprefix=clever+mr+cat%2Cstripbooks%2C94&ref=nb_sb_noss
To see all of Apollo's books in one place, please visit his website: www.apollostark.com
On our website you will find a short video of Clever Mr Cat narrated by Apollo, along with background info on this fable and its talented illustrator, Sarah Tuk.
If you would rather purchase this book in A4 landscape format, please follow this link to Lulu Bookstore. Price: £10.00