Hi everyone I just thought you might like to know that I have begun work on the third book in the Stitch series: Stitch Resurrection.
Get prepared for fresh surprises and revelations! An ancient celestial clock is ticking. An old rival returns. The weave is drawn upon for evil purposes and Maisie Evan's ultimate battle is coming!
If you haven't already read the first book in this series, now is the time to grab your free copy on Amazon Kindle unlimited. Alternatively, the e-book can be purchased for £1.99 and the paperback is available to buy, priced £6.99.
Please follow the link below to order either copy today.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Stitch+Apollo+Stark&i=stripbooks&crid=2LL9GG6T5TQKJ&sprefix=stitch+apollo+stark%2Cstripbooks%2C67&ref=nb_sb_noss #reviewapollostarksbooks #authorapollo #stitch
To discover more about Apollo, his books, and much more, visit: www.apollostark.com