... a hungry cat walking in a wood, spotted a pigeon in a leafless tree. Buy what happened next?
Apollo Stark's fable, Clever Mr Cat is a dark, wintery tale perfect to tell your children at this time of year or would make a delightful Christmas present.
Beautifully illustrated by Sarah Tuk, it is available to buy in both A4 hardback, A5 paperback and is downloadable on Google play books.
For more details or to purchase a paperback copy, click this link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/CLEVER-MR-CAT-APOLLO-STARK/dp/1739652509/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2II9NWFGW4FST&keywords=clever+mr+cat&qid=1668255389&s=books&sprefix=clever+mr+cat%2Cstripbooks%2C111&sr=1-1
For a hardback copy click here: https://www.lulu.com/shop/apollo-stark-and-sarah-tuk/clever-mr-cat/hardcover/product-yemqj8.html?q=clever+mr+cat&page=1&pageSize=4
To download from google play go here: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Apollo_Stark_Clever_Mr_Cat?id=LtewEAAAQBAJ&gl=GB